
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Usage of Some and Any : The Easy Way

Some and Any are quantifiers that can both be used before countable and uncountable nouns.

some friends
any toys

some homework
any oil

But we only use some in affirmative sentences.

There are some empty bottles in the backyard.
(not any empty bottles)
Let's play some games first before going home.
(not any games

However, we use any, not some, in negative sentences.

I don't have any money left in my wallet.
(not some money)
There isn't any bread on the table.
(not some bread

In questions, we mostly use any.

Do you have any glue?
Will you bring any food tomorrow?

But if a question expresses offers and requests, we use some, not any.

Can I have some tea?
Would you like some vanilla ice cream?

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